Browse Items (8 total)

World War I era anti-suffrage cartoon showing two women kissing

This cartoon uses its iconography to present a dangerous “slippery slope,” using thinly veiled references to lesbianism to stoke fears of male emasculation, playing on the social…

Suffrage First.jpg

Suffrage First!

[Image: At the top of this vertical postcard is the title "VOTES FOR WOMEN." Below the title is a young boy wearing blue short-pants and a white and blue sailor shirt. His feet are clad in pinkish-white…

Rather kiss her.jpg
I'd rather kiss her, than hear her talk.

[Image: This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a girl speaking on a soap box as a boy wearing a sailor suit looks…

Buying votes.jpg
Buying Votes.

[Image: This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a girl kissing a boy who is wearing a sailor suit. She is holding a "Votes for Wimmen" flag,…
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