Browse Items (3 total)

I hear that everyone of note, <br />
Soon will cast the suffrage vote.
I hear that everyone of note,
Soon will cast the suffrage vote.

[Image: A sketch of cupid or a cherub sitting on a stool while talking into a telephone. The caption is "I hear that everyone of note, Soon will cast the suffrage vote."] 9x14cm;…

[Image: A sketch of a fashionable woman with the phrase "Bryan's my man -- Who's yours?" underneath. Printed on a cream-colored card. Likely produced in support of William Jennings Bryan who used suffrage as a platform during his third bid for…

Document-page-002 (4).jpg
Written on face of card: "This was taken on election day. The church isn't finished yet. You can see that the windows are not in. It's going to be mighty pretty. Do you recognize the horse and rider. Answer soon. We voted yes."
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