I want my Ma!

Dublin Core


I want my Ma!





From suffragepostcards.wordpress.com: The image of the kitten does seem to have been re-purposed to cater for consumers interested in the suffrage debate, I have seen several of other postcards dated to as early as 1906. The two below are captioned ‘I want my Ma!’. The first is postmarked 1906 and includes on the front ‘A kitten study’ under the main caption. The rear is also marked ‘The Wrench Series. Printed in England’. The second, postmarked 1911, has dropped the ‘kitten study’ reference and the rear only indicates that it was ‘Printed in Saxony’. The postcard company Evelyn Wrench went out of business in 1906 so it is unclear under what company the images were made. Another postcard using this image carries the caption ‘I’ve got my pension!’ (the Old Age Pensions Act was passed by Parliament in 1908).




“I want my Ma!,” The Suffrage Postcard Project, accessed April 25, 2024, https://thesuffragepostcardproject.omeka.net/items/show/248.