"Just by way of a Change"

Dublin Core


"Just by way of a Change"


Catherine H. Palczewski Postcard Archive, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA: http://www.uni.edu/palczews/postcard_archive.html


London: Birn Brothers, Ltd

Collection Items

"Just by way of a Change": 5
[Image: A fashionably dressed woman is outside her door attempting to put her house key in the lock. Her husband is leaning out of a window above the door in his pajamas. He has a watch in his hands that reads 5:00. There are two milk cans on the…

"Just by way of a Change": 4
[Image: Two fashionably dressed women are leaning on a bar, drinking alcoholic beverages. A waiter is polishing a martini shaker with a cloth and looking down his nose at the women. The bar is elegantly decorated and there is red carpet. The…

"Just by way of a Change": 3
[Image: A fashionably dressed woman with an up-do decorated with a black hair bow is on her knees proposing to a man. He is dressed in a black suit and seated in a red, upholstered chair. His pose is feminized, with a hand at his mouth and the…

"Just by way of a Change": 2
[Image: A husband with a sad expression is stilling in a chair in his robe, pajamas and slippers. A young girl with a blue bow in her hair is spilling milk out of a bowl and onto his right foot. A young boy is pulling hard on the belt of his robe…

"Just by way of a Change": 1
[Image: At the top of the postcard a headline reads, "Just by way of a Change." Below that a fashionably dressed woman in a hat is cycling. In the attached wicker-riding carriage is an elegantly dressed man smoking a cigarette. He is wearing a…
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