Browse Items (29 total)

swedish woman.gif
[Image: A woman in a traditional Swedish folk costume leans against a tree. The text below the image reads: "might antagonize the working women."]; 9x14; print.

[Image: Photographic Portrait of Mrs. Pankhurst Hon. Sec. The text below the image reads: "Women's Social and Political Union & Clement's Inn Hon. Sec."]; 9x14; print.

Votes for Women – bugle.jpg
A woman wearing a hat with feathers, a corset, a full skirt, and boots is blowing a horn. Attached to the horn is a banner that reads, “Votes for women.”

[Image: This card has a color illustration of a woman playing the trumpet, with a "Votes for…

[Image: Photographic portrait Miss Edith New. The text below the image reads: "Of the National Women's Social and Political Union. {Peter McNairn, Photographer, Hawi."]; 9x14; print.

Mrs Pankhurst.jpg
[Image: Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), Honorary Secretary and later, Honorary Treasurer of the Women's Social and Political Union, ca. 1909.

Emmeline was a charismatic leader and eloquent speaker. By 1913 she had served three prison sentences;…

Edith Craig.jpg
[Image: Postcard with photographic portrait of Edith Craig. Craig was actress Ellen Terry's illegitimate daughter. She worked in the theatre as an actress, director and costumier. Craig belonged to a number of suffrage societies and sold the Women's…

The nice old gentleman who "wouldn't refuse the ladies anything, bless 'em," but thinks "they are so charming and so irresistable that they can always get their own way so they don't need the Vote!"
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