Home > 2017-2018 Research Assistants
2017-2018 Research Assistants
We extend a warm welcome to our 2017-2018 RAs from the University of South Florida!
Alexander Cendrowski is an MFA candidate at the University of South Florida. His fiction and comics have appeared in Passages North, Hobart, PINBALL, and elsewhere, and primarily focus on complicating patriarchal expectations of masculinity, ecofeminism, and queer experience. His website is AlexanderCendrowski.com.
Clarke Christina Greene is a senior at the University of South Florida and is studying Women and Gender Studies and Theatre Arts. In her spare time she reads Latin American literature & poetry and studies Meme Theory.
Erin Durham-Moore is a senior at the University of South Florida where she studies English with a concentration in Literary Studies. Literary interests include Old English literature, 19th-century British literature, postcolonialism, and the digital humanities.
Terikia Seals is a senior at the University of South Florida studying English with a special interest in Feminist Digital Humanities.
If you are a USF student interested in working on the SPP, please contact Kristin Allukian in the Department of English.