National American Woman Suffrage Association Comic Cards
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National American Woman Suffrage Association Comic Cards
Emily Hall Chamberlin, National American Woman Suffrage Association
Catherine H. Palczewski Postcard Archive, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA:
New York: National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company
© Campbell Art Company, Elizabeth, New Jersey
© Campbell Art Company, Elizabeth, New Jersey
1914 and 1915
Collection Items
Votes for Women means cleaner politics
Votes for Women means
cleaner politics.
[Image: Text at the top reads, “Votes for Women.” A young girl is holding a dripping handkerchief and cleaning the ear of a young boy. Text at the bottom reads, “Votes for Women mean…
Votes for Women means
cleaner politics.
[Image: Text at the top reads, “Votes for Women.” A young girl is holding a dripping handkerchief and cleaning the ear of a young boy. Text at the bottom reads, “Votes for Women mean…
Suffrage First!
Suffrage First!
[Image: At the top of this vertical postcard is the title "VOTES FOR WOMEN." Below the title is a young boy wearing blue short-pants and a white and blue sailor shirt. His feet are clad in pinkish-white…
Suffrage First!
[Image: At the top of this vertical postcard is the title "VOTES FOR WOMEN." Below the title is a young boy wearing blue short-pants and a white and blue sailor shirt. His feet are clad in pinkish-white…
She's good enough for me!
[Image: At the top of this vertical postcard is the title "VOTES FOR WOMEN." Below the title is a young boy wearing an Uncle Sam suit--red and white striped pands, blue tuxedo jacket, white cumberband and shirt, and white, children's dress shoes. …
Let's pull together!
[Image: At the top of this vertical postcard is the title "VOTES FOR WOMEN." Below the title is a young boy wearing a white shirt and green short-pants. He has on white, mid-calf socks and flesh colored children's dress shoes. He has a…