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Parade 3 copy.jpg
[Image: Postcard of the suffrage parade held the day before President Woodrow Wilson's inauguration in Washington, D.C.]

She's good enough for me.jpg
[Image: A boy in a patriotic costume holds the shoulders and looks at a girl in a large yellow period dress. The text below the image reads, "She's good enough for me!"]; 9x14 cm; print.

She's good enough for me.jpg
[Image: At the top of this vertical postcard is the title "VOTES FOR WOMEN." Below the title is a young boy wearing an Uncle Sam suit--red and white striped pands, blue tuxedo jacket, white cumberband and shirt, and white, children's dress shoes. …

O say, can you see what with eager delight
And so proudly we hail, eyes with joy all abeaming?
'Tis our loved Suffrage flag, such a glorious sight
With its five beauteous stars mid the soft folds agleaming.
Named for Washington great is our Fifth…

Men who love freedom.jpg
"Men, who love the Freedom which your Fathers won for You, Pay your Debt by Winning Freedom for your Daughters."

Kansas Vote.jpg
[Image: A man and woman cast their vote in a ballot box in Kansas. Text below the image reads: "For a better government of the people for the people and by the people."]

I want to speak for myself at the polls.jpg

I want to speak for myself
at the polls.

[Image: A girl in a green period dress reaches out to a boy deep in thought and dressed in a patriotic costume. The text below the image reads, "I want to speak for myself at the…

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