Browse Items
- "Votes for Wimmen"
- "Votes for Women"
- "Votes for Women" banner
- "Votes for Women" flag
- "Votes for Women" placard
- "Votes for Women" sash
- 10 Downing Street
- 1776
- 1911
- 19C
- Abraham Lincoln
- Absent father
- Absent husband
- Absent mother
- Absent wife
- Abusive
- Abusive wife
- Abusive woman
- Activist
- Actors
- actress
- Adela Pankhurst
- Adele Clark
- Adultized child
- Advertisement
- Advisory Council
- African American
- Aggressive man
- Agnes E. Ryan
- Agnes Garrett
- agricultural labourer
- Agriculture
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Albany
- Alberta
- Alcohol
- Aleksandra Osipovna Ishimova
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Alice Paul
- Alice Schofield
- Alice Stone Blackwell
- Aliens
- Alison Neilans
- Alps
- Alva E. Belmont
- Ambition
- American
- American Magazine
- Amy Sanderson
- Ancient Greek
- Angel
- Angry
- Angry man
- Angry woman
- Anna Pavlovna Filosofova
- Anne Fitzhugh Miller
- Annie Kenney
- Anti Suffrage League
- anti-suffrage meeting
- Anti-Suffrage Protesters
- Anti-Suffrage Society
- Anti-suffragist
- Antislavery
- Appealing
- Apron
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- armour
- Army
- Arrest
- Artist
- Artist's Suffrage League
- Artists' Suffrage League
- Assertive
- Asylum
- Asylum patient
- Athlete
- Atlanta
- Audience
- Australia
- Austrian
- Aviator
- Babies
- Baby
- Bachelor
- Ball and chain
- Ballot
- Ballot Box
- banner
- banners
- Bar
- Basket
- Bazaar
- Beach
- Bean
- Beard
- Bearded Lady
- Beauty
- Bed
- Bedroom
- Bench
- Bertha von Suttner
- Bessie Semple
- Bewildered
- Bewildered man
- Bewildered woman
- Bewilderment
- Bicycle
- Bicycling
- Big Ben
- Bird
- Birthday
- Birthright
- Black eye
- Black Male Suffrage
- Blindfold
- Bloomers
- Bloomsbury
- Boat
- Boater Hat
- Bohemian
- Bomb
- Bonnet
- Book
- Boots
- Boston
- Boston Equal Suffrage Association for Good Government
- Bow
- Bow Tie
- Boxing
- Boy
- Bravery
- Breach of promise
- Bread
- breaking of shop windows
- Breeches
- Bribery
- Bridge
- Briefcase
- Bristol
- Britain
- Britannia
- British
- British Columbia
- British Empire
- British flag
- British suffragette
- Broken Dishes
- Broken picture
- Broken window
- Broom
- Bryn Mawr
- bucket
- Budapest
- Buffalo
- Bugle
- Bulldog
- Bunny
- Burden
- Bus
- Business
- Business card
- Butler
- Butterfly
- Button
- C.E. Perry Cupid Cards
- C.P. Stetson
- Cabinet Minister
- Cage
- Cake
- Calendar
- California
- California Equal Suffrage Association
- Canada
- Canadian
- Cane
- Canvasser
- Canvassing
- Cape
- Capitalism
- Captain
- Car
- Caravan
- Cardiff University
- Cards
- Carpet bag
- Carriage
- Carrie Chapman Catt
- Carrot
- Cart
- Cat
- Cat and Mouse Act
- Catherine Marshal
- Catherine the Great
- caveman
- Cavewoman
- Celestial wives
- Central America
- Chain
- Chair
- Chalking
- Chaos
- Charles E. Hughes
- Charles Gonne
- Charles Zueblin
- Charlotte Despard
- Charlotte Marsh
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Chauffeur
- Cheese
- Chelsea
- Cherub
- Cheshire
- Chichester
- Chick
- Chicken
- Child
- Child labor
- Childcare
- Children
- Chinese
- Chocolate
- Christabel Pankhurst
- Christmas
- Christmas tree
- Christopher Marie St. John
- Chrysalis
- Chrystal Macmaillan
- Chrystal Macmillan
- Church
- Cicely Hamilton
- Cicely Mary Hamilton
- Cigar
- Cigarette
- Cincinnati
- Citizenship
- Civil disobedience
- Civil service
- Class of voter
- Classical
- cleaning
- Clelia Gellicano
- Clock
- Clothing
- Clouds
- Coal
- Cockerel
- Coercion
- Colorado
- Commanding
- Commodified woman
- Competent father
- Concert
- Conciliation Bill
- Conciliation Bill of 1910
- Congressional Union
- Connecticut
- Constitutional Society for Women's Suffrage
- Convention
- Cook
- Cooking
- Coquette
- Cornell
- Corruption
- Costume
- costumier
- Countess Russell
- Couple
- Courthouse
- Courting adultized child
- Cow
- Cradle
- cross-dressers
- Cross-dressing
- Crow
- Crowd
- Crown
- Crusade
- Crying
- Crying infant
- Cupid
- Cuss
- Cymric Suffrage Union
- Cyrillic
- Dancer
- Dancing
- Dating
- Daughters
- Deceptive man
- Declaration of Independence
- Declaration of Sentiments
- Defeated
- Delaware
- Democracy
- Demonstration
- Desk
- Determined
- Devil
- Dialect
- Diminutive husband
- Dining room
- director
- Disappointment
- Disenfranchisement
- dishwashing
- Doctor
- Dog
- Doll
- Domestic activity
- domestic father
- Domestic servant
- Domestic woman
- Domineering man
- Domineering woman
- Donkey
- Door
- Dr. Anna P-Shaw
- Drawing
- Dress
- Drinking
- driving
- Drum
- Drums
- Duck
- Ducking
- Dutch
- Duty
- Ealing
- East London Federation of Suffragettes
- Easter
- Eating
- Economic slavery
- Edith Craig
- Edith How Martyn
- Edith Mansell Moullin
- Edith New
- Edith Picton-Turbervill
- Editor
- Education
- Edward McLaughlin
- Edwin Markham
- Egg
- Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova
- Election
- Elephant
- Eliza Orzeszkowa
- Elizabeth Smith Miller
- Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy
- Elizaveta Bem
- Ella Crossett
- Elsie Inglis
- Emancipation
- emasculated man
- Emily Wilding Davidson
- Emily Wilding Davison
- Emma J. Hughes
- Emma Sproson
- Emmeline Pankhurst
- Emmeline Pethick Lawrence
- Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
- Emotion
- Empress
- England
- English
- Equal Franchise Club
- Equal pay
- Equal rights
- Equal Suffrage League of Virginia
- Equality
- equality.
- Ernest Ibbetson
- Ernestine Mills
- Escutcheon
- Ethel Snowden
- Eunice Guthrie Murray
- Evdokiia Petrovna Rostopchina
- Everyman
- Everywoman
- Evgeniia Shakhovskaia
- Eyeglasses
- Fabian
- Factory
- Failure
- Family
- Fan
- Faneuil Hall
- Fashionable
- Father
- Father Christmas
- Father of the nation
- Fatherhood
- Fatigued man
- Fatigued Woman
- Fear
- Feather
- female politician
- Female President
- feminine dress
- Feminine man
- Feminine woman
- Feminized man
- Fence
- field
- Fife
- Fifth Avenue
- Fight
- Filing cabinet
- Finance
- Fine
- Finland
- Fireplace
- Fist
- Flag
- flags
- Flapper
- Flora Drummond
- Florence Nightingale
- Florey
- Florida
- Flowers
- flowers in hair
- Flute
- Force
- Force feeding
- Fourth of July
- France
- Frances Sterling
- Franchise
- Frederick Douglass
- Frederick Melville
- Frederick Pethick-Lawrence
- Free trade
- Freedom
- French
- French Union for Women's Suffrage
- Frog
- Fuel
- Funeral
- fur
- furniture
- Future
- Gaggle
- Gambling
- Gander
- Garden
- Gavel
- gender
- Gender Roles
- George Sand
- George Washington
- George William Curtis
- Georgia
- Georgina Brackenberry
- German
- Germany
- Giraffe
- Girl
- Glasgow
- Glass
- Glasses
- Globe
- gloves
- Goat
- Goblin
- Golden Gate
- Golf Clubs
- Golfing Knickers
- Goofy Teeth
- Goose
- Gramophone
- Grand Rapids
- Grandfather
- Grandmother
- Greek Mythology
- Green White & Gold Suffrage Color Scheme
- Gun
- H.H. Asquith
- Hammer
- Handbag
- Handcuffs
- Handmade
- Handwriting
- Hanging
- Happy
- Happy man
- Happy woman
- Harpy
- Harrassment
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Harriet May Mills
- Harriot Stanton Blatch
- Hat
- Hat pin
- Hatchet
- Hatpin
- Headquarters
- Health
- Heart
- Heavyweight
- Hebrew
- Heidelberg
- Hen
- Henry Bailey Stevenson
- Herald
- Herbert Henry Asquith
- Hiding
- Holloway Brooch
- Holloway Prison
- Holmfirth
- Horn
- Horse
- Horseriding
- Hospital
- Hotel
- House
- House of Commons
- House of Parliament
- Houses of Parliament
- Housework
- Hugh A. Franklin
- Hungary
- Hunger strike
- Husband
- Hyde Park
- I Should Worry! series
- Ice Cream
- Ida A. Craft
- Ida Craft
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Imp
- Impatient woman
- Imperialism
- Indiana
- Industrial
- industrial worker
- Inequality
- Inez Milholland
- Infant
- Inferiority
- Injustice
- Inquisition
- Inquisitors
- Insect
- Intellect
- Intelligence
- Intentional misspelling
- International Congress for Woman's Suffrage
- International Woman Suffrage Alliance
- International Woman Suffrage Congress
- Iowa
- Irish
- Iron
- Italy
- Ithaca
- Iuliia Valerianovna Zhadovskaia
- James Oppenheimer
- Jane Bull
- Jealous
- Jennie Baines
- Jessie Hardy Stubbs
- Jessie Kenney
- Jewelry
- Jewish
- Joan of Arc
- John Bull
- John Stuart Mill
- Journalist
- Judge
- Julia Marlowe
- Julia Ward Howe
- Jus Suffragii
- Justice
- Kansas
- Katharine Gatty
- Keir Hardie
- Kensington
- Kentucky
- Key
- King
- King George V
- Kissing
- Kitchen
- knife
- Labor
- Labour
- Lady Constance Lytton
- Lake
- Lamp post
- Lancashire
- Laundry
- Laurel
- Law
- Lawyer
- League for Women's Equal Rights
- Leap Year
- Lecturer
- Legislation
- Legislative Work
- Lesbian iconography
- Letter
- Liberal
- Liberty
- Lion
- Little Bo Peep
- Littlehampton
- London
- London Society for Women's Suffrage
- looking
- Looking glass (mirror)
- Lord Philip Snowden
- Lorry
- Louis Brandeis
- Louisiana
- Lounge room
- Love
- Lucretia Mott
- Lucy Burns
- Lucy Heath Pearson
- Mabel Lucie Attwell
- Mad Hatter's Tea Party
- Madonna
- Maine
- Male politician
- Man
- Manhood suffrage
- Manitoba
- manual worker
- Map
- March
- Marching band
- Margaret Llewelyn Davies
- Marguerite Sidley
- Mariana Chapman
- Marie Bashkirtseff
- Marie Skladowska-Curie
- Mark Twain
- Market
- Marriage market
- Married Mother
- Married Women's Property Acts
- Martyr
- Mary Leigh
- Mary Phillips
- Maryland
- Masculinized man
- Masculinized woman
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association
- Mathematician
- Maud Arncliffe Sennett
- Mayor
- Media
- Medical
- Medicine
- Medieval
- Men's Franchise
- Men's Political Union for Women's Enfranchisement
- mendicant
- Mexico
- Michigan
- Middle class
- Middle Eastern
- Middle-class woman
- Militant
- Military
- Milk
- Millicent Garrett Fawcett
- Minnesota
- Mirror
- Miss Annie Kenny
- Miss Grym
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Mocking
- Molasses
- Money
- Monkey
- monocle
- Monstrous
- Montana
- Montreal
- Moon
- Mop
- Morality
- Mormonism
- Mother
- Mother of the Nation
- Mother's Rights
- Motherhood
- Mountains
- Mouse
- Moustache
- Mrs. Bull
- Mrs. Howard Paul
- Mrs. Lewis Jerome Johnson
- Mrs. Pankhurst
- Mrs. Pethick Lawrence
- Muriel Matters
- Music
- Musical Instrument
- Mythical creature
- Mythology
- Nadezhda Adreevna Durova
- Nadezhda Dmitrievna Khvoshchinskaia
- Nation
- National American Woman Suffrage Association
- National costume
- National League for Opposing Woman Suffrage
- National League Opposing Women’s Suffrage
- National Union of Societies to Equal Citizenship
- National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies
- National Woman's Party
- Nebraska
- Nellie Kenney
- Nettie Schuler
- Nevada
- New Foundland
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association
- New Mexico
- new woman
- New Year
- New York
- New York City
- New York State
- New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage
- New York State Woman Suffrage Association
- New Zealand
- Newark
- Newcastle-on-Tyne
- Newspaper
- Newspapers
- Nina Boyle
- Noble
- North America
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Northwest Territory
- Norway
- note
- Notre Dame Church
- Nova Scotia
- Novelist
- Nude
- Nurse
- Nursery rhyme
- Office
- Ogling
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Old Man
- Older man
- Older woman
- Omaha
- Onion
- Ontario
- Opportunity
- Oregon
- Organizer
- Orientalism
- Ostrich
- Otis Emerson Dunham
- Outside
- Oven
- Overwhelmed father
- Owl
- Painting
- Palace Yard
- Pamphlet
- Pants
- Parade
- Paris
- parliament
- Parliamentary Candidate
- Past
- Patriotism
- Patronizing man
- Paul Laurence Dunbar
- Paul Poiret's harem pants
- Pedestal
- Pen
- Pennant
- Pennsylvania
- petition
- Petticoat
- Philadelphia
- Philippa Fawcett
- Photograph
- Physical restraint
- Physical violence
- Piazza
- Picketing
- Pilgrims
- Pin
- Pioneer Players
- pipe
- Pittsburgh
- Pledge card
- Poem
- Poet
- Pointing
- Polar bear
- Police
- policeman
- Polish
- Political
- Politician
- Politics
- polling station
- Polygamy
- Poor Law
- Port/Ships
- Portrait
- Posing
- Postal worker
- Postcard Designer
- Poster
- Posture
- Power
- Pram
- Pray
- Praying
- Prehistoric
- Prejudice
- Present
- Presents
- President
- Prime Minister
- Primrose League
- Princess
- Prisoner
- Procession
- Procrastination
- professional woman
- Progress
- Prohibition
- Promise
- Proposal
- Protest
- Provocative
- Public speaking
- Punch
- Punishment
- Puppy
- Puritan
- Purple & Gold Suffrage Color Scheme
- Purple & Green Suffrage Color Scheme
- Quebec
- Queer
- Quizzical
- Quotation
- Rabbit
- Racial uplift
- Racism
- Railway
- Rally
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Ray Strachey
- Reading
- Real estate
- Reform
- Rejection
- Relationship
- Religious
- Representation
- Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act
- Resigned
- Resistance
- Restaurant
- reversed gender role
- Rhoda Palmer
- Rhode Island
- Ribbon
- Rights
- Robber
- Rocking chair
- Rolling Pin
- Romance
- Romania
- Rome
- Rosalie Jones
- Rosamund Massy
- Rose
- Rosika Schwimmer
- Royalty
- Rules
- Russia
- Russian
- Russian League Equality of Women
- Ruth Cavendish Bentinck
- Sad
- Sad man
- sad woman
- Sailor
- Sale
- Salvation
- San Francisco
- Sanatorium
- Santa
- Sash
- Saskatchewan
- Satire
- Saturday Evening Post
- scholarly woman
- Scientist
- Scottish
- Scottish Women's Hospitals for Foreign Service
- Secretary
- Segregation
- Selfish mother
- Seneca Falls
- Seven Sisters
- Sewing
- Sexual harassment
- Sharp Nose
- Sheep
- Sheets
- Shell
- shield
- Shoe shining
- Shoes
- shovel
- shrieking sister
- Sign
- Silhouette
- Single
- Sitting
- Skiing
- Slavery
- Sleeping
- Smoking
- Snake
- Soapbox
- Social reform forefather
- Social reform foremother
- Social reformer
- Socialist
- Socks
- Sof’ia Vasil'evna Kovalevskaia
- Sojourner Truth
- Soldier
- Sons
- Soup
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Spade
- Speaking Tour
- Spectacles
- Speech
- St George's Bloomsbury
- St. Petersburg
- Stage
- Stamps
- Standing
- Stars
- States of the Union
- Statue
- Statue of Liberty
- Stone
- Stork
- Stove polish
- Strawberry
- Street car
- Strength
- Stroller
- Stump speech
- Success
- Suffering
- Suffering man
- Suffering woman
- Suffrage
- Suffrage advertisement
- Suffrage Atelier
- Suffrage Headquarters
- Suffrage Meeting
- Suffrage Memorabilia
- Suffragette
- Suffragette Procession October 7
- Suffragette Series
- Suffragette Ticket series
- Suffragettes
- Suffragist
- Suffragist men
- Sun
- Sundial
- Superiority
- Supportive Man
- Surprise
- Surprised
- Surprised Man
- Susan B. Anthony
- Suspenders
- Sweden
- Swedish
- Sweeping
- Sweetheart
- Swimming
- sword
- Sylvester McBride
- Sylvia Pankhurst
- Table
- Tableau
- Taunton
- Taxation
- Tea
- Teacher
- Teapot
- teenager
- Teeth
- Telephone
- Temperance
- Tennessee
- Tent
- Teresa Billington Greig
- Texas
- Text
- The Suffragette
- The Suffragette series
- Theatre
- Theft
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Threat of Violence
- Tie
- Time
- Tonbridge
- top hat
- top-hat
- Topeka Good Government Club
- Torture
- Toy
- Traditional Gender Role
- Train
- Translator
- Treasurer
- Tree
- Trousers
- Truck
- True Woman
- True womanhood
- Typewriter
- Typist
- U.S. President
- Ukrainian
- Umbrella
- umbrellas
- Unappealing
- Uncle Sam
- Unemployment
- Unfashionable
- Unicorn
- Uniform
- Union Francaise pour le Suffrage des Femmes
- University Lecturer
- Unmarried Mother
- unwomanly
- Upper class
- Upper middle class
- US Capitol
- US Constitution
- US flag
- US government
- US Treasury
- Utah
- Vaccination
- Vaccination Exemption Order
- Valentine
- Vassar
- Vegetables
- Vera Holme
- Vermont
- Victory
- Virginia
- Votes for Men
- Votes for Skirts
- Votes for Vimmen
- Votes for Women
- Voting
- Voyeurism
- W.E. Gladstone
- Wagon
- Waitress
- Wales
- walking
- walking stick
- War
- Washing
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- Washinton
- Water
- Wave
- Weapon
- Wellesley
- Wendell Phillips
- Wenona Osborne Pinkham
- West Virginia
- West Virginia Maryland
- Westminster
- Whip
- White Slavery
- Widow
- Wife
- Willard Wylie
- Wimmen
- Window
- Wings
- Winking
- Wisconsin
- with children
- without children
- Woman
- woman mayor
- Woman Suffrage Party of New York City
- Woman Suffrage Party of the City of New York
- Woman's Christian Temperance Union
- Woman's Journal
- Women Writers' Suffrage League
- Women's Franchise Deputation
- Women's Freedom League
- Women's Guild
- Women's liberation
- Women's Political Union
- Women's rights
- Women's rights decoration
- Women's Social and Political Union
- Women's Social and Political Union newspaper
- Working child
- Working class
- Working man
- Working woman
- world
- World War I
- Writer
- Writing
- Wyoming
- Young man
- Young woman
- Younger woman