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- Tags: States of the Union
California putting the Sixth Star on the Woman Suffrage Flag
[Image: This postcard celebrates the passage of full suffrage in California in 1911 by depicting the symbolic adding of that state’s star to a ssuffrage flag." California joined stars…
Tags: American, Appealing, APPEARANCE, California, CLASS, Classical, FASHION, Fashionable, Flag, Middle class, PRO-SUFFRAGE, Stars, States of the Union, US flag, Woman
O say, can you see what with eager delight
And so proudly we hail, eyes with joy all abeaming?
'Tis our loved Suffrage flag, such a glorious sight
With its five beauteous stars mid the soft folds agleaming.
Named for Washington great is our Fifth…
Tags: American, Bravery, California, Colorado, Flag, Freedom, Idaho, PRO-SUFFRAGE, Stars, States of the Union, Suffrage, US flag, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
OTIS EMERSON DUNHAM, President of Hughes Club.
SYLVESTER J. McBRIDE, Socialist Candidate for Lieut.-Gov of Massachusetts.
Tags: American, Boston, Boston Equal Suffrage Association for Good Government, Edward McLaughlin, Faneuil Hall, HISTORICAL FIGURES, HISTORY/GOVERNMENT, Man, Massachusetts, Mrs. Lewis Jerome Johnson, Music, Otis Emerson Dunham, PLACE, PRO-SUFFRAGE, States of the Union, Suffrage advertisement, SUFFRAGE ADVERTISING, Suffrage Memorabilia, Sylvester McBride, Wenona Osborne Pinkham, Willard Wylie, Woman
Governor Hughes' Vetoes
The Real Hughes and Woman's Rights
"ALBANY, NEW YORK, May 29, 1907.
"I return herewith without my approval Senate Bill No. 1212.
"The motive of the present bill is to compel equal pay for men and women holding the same…
The Federal Amendment
The Campaign is NOW on. WE need YOUR help.
Kindly fill out and return to Mrs. Wenona Osborne Pinkham, Chairman of Organization Committee.
Tags: "Votes for Women", Alaska, American, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florey, Idaho, Kansas, Map, Montana, National American Woman Suffrage Association, NAWSA, Nevada, New York City, New York State, Oregon, PRO-SUFFRAGE, States of the Union, Suffrage, Utah, Votes for Women, Voting, Washington, Wyoming
Votes for Women, Ohio Next!
Colorado Washington
Utah Idaho
Votes for Women
Ohio Next!
[Image: This postcard urges support for a coming (unsuccessful) campaign by the Ohio Woman Suffrage Association to ratify a state constitutional amendment granting…
Tags: American, California, Colorado, Drawing, Idaho, Ohio, PRO-SUFFRAGE, Stars, States of the Union, Utah, Voting, Washington, Wyoming
Votes for Women: "California Next"
Votes for Women a Success: North America Proves it
How long will the Republic of the United States lag behind the Monarchy…
Tags: "Votes for Women", Alabama, Alberta, American, Arizona, Arkansas, Black Male Suffrage, British Columbia, California, Canada, Central America, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Drawing, Florida, Georgia, HISTORY/GOVERNMENT, Illinois, Indiana, INTERNATIONAL, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Manitoba, Map, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Foundland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York State, North America, North Carolina, North Dakota, Northwest Territory, Nova Scotia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Pennsylvania, PRO-SUFFRAGE, Quebec, Rhode Island, Saskatchewan, South Carolina, South Dakota, States of the Union, SUFFRAGE ADVERTISING, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washinton, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
Let New York be Next
[Image: The suffrage map on a postcard from the successful 1917 campaign for an amendment to the New York State Constitution granting full…
Tags: Alabama, American, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Drawing, Florida, Georgia, HISTORY/GOVERNMENT, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Map, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York City, New York State, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, PRO-SUFFRAGE, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, States of the Union, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia Maryland, Wisconsin, Woman Suffrage Party of the City of New York, Wyoming