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- Tags: Democracy
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Suffrage Procession
Image of men marching in parade with Socialist Party banners, central banner reads: "Democracy Industrial Political."
I hear that everyone of note
I hear that everyone of note,
Soon will cast the suffrage vote.
[Image: A sketch of cupid or a cherub sitting on a stool while talking into a telephone. The caption is "I hear that everyone of note, Soon will cast the suffrage vote."] 9x14cm;…
Soon will cast the suffrage vote.
[Image: A sketch of cupid or a cherub sitting on a stool while talking into a telephone. The caption is "I hear that everyone of note, Soon will cast the suffrage vote."] 9x14cm;…
Tags: ACTIVITIES, Adultized child, American, C.E. Perry Cupid Cards, Chair, Child, Cupid, Democracy, Election, Family, Nude, PRIVATE, PRO-SUFFRAGE, Suffrage, Telephone, Voting, Wings
Votes for Our Mothers
[Image: Kewpie dolls dressed in yellow outfits march in a line. The kewpie doll in front carries a yellow banner emblazoned with the phrase "Votes for Our Mothers"] Print
For Senatoress
To Whom it may Concern.
This is to notify you that
I am funning for SEN-
ATORESS on the
I believe in a
reduction of the
tariff on Paris
gowns. I believe
there should be a
cut in…
To Whom it may Concern.
This is to notify you that
I am funning for SEN-
ATORESS on the
I believe in a
reduction of the
tariff on Paris
gowns. I believe
there should be a
cut in…
United Equal Suffrage States of America: Idaho
[Image: An American flag with four stars at each of the corners of the blue square at the top left of the flag, waves. It is flying from a gold flagpole topped with a gold finial that comes to a point. Two gold braided cords that end in tassles…
United Equal Suffrage States of America: Utah
[Image: An American flag with four stars at each of the corners of the blue square at the top left of the flag, waves. It is flying from a gold flagpole topped with a gold finial that comes to a point. Two gold braided cords that end in tassles…
Tags: American, Democracy, Equality, Flag, HISTORY/GOVERNMENT, Nation, PRO-SUFFRAGE, States of the Union, SYMBOLISM, US flag, Utah
United Equal Suffrage States of America: Wyoming
[Image: An American flag with four stars at each of the corners of the blue square at the top left of the flag, waves. It is flying from a gold flagpole topped with a gold finial that comes to a point. Two gold braided cords that end in tassles…